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Config Item

idID of the config itemuuid
scraper_idID of the scraper*string
agent_idID of the agentuuid
config_classThe class of the config itemstring
external_idThe external ID of the config item[]string
typeThe type of the config item*string
statusThe status of the config item*string
nameThe name of the config item*string
namespaceThe namespace of the config item*string
descriptionThe description of the config item*string
configThe config of the config item*string
sourceThe source of the config item*string
parent_idThe parent ID of the config item*uuid
pathThe path of the config itemstring
cost_per_minuteThe cost per minute of the config itemfloat64
cost_total_1dThe cost total 1d of the config itemfloat64
cost_total_7dThe cost total 7d of the config itemfloat64
cost_total_30dThe cost total 30d of the config itemfloat64
tagsThe tags of the config itemmap[string]string
created_atThe created at of the config itemtime
updated_atThe updated at of the config itemtime
deleted_atThe deleted at of the config item*time
delete_reasonThe delete reason of the config itemstring